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  • × wage level and structure
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作者:McKenzie, David, Theoharides, Caroline, Yang, Dean


关键词:international migration;wage level and structure;...

发布机构:American Economic Association

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作者:Almeida, Rita, Carniero, Pedro


关键词:wage level and structure;wage differentials;...

发布机构:American Economic Association

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作者:Aida Caldera Sánchezi, Patrick Lenaini, Sarah Flècheii iOECDiiParis School of Economics


关键词:wage level and structure;education;...

发布机构:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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作者:Aida Caldera Sánchezi, Caroline Tassotii iOECDiiRAND Corporation


关键词:education;quality of life;...

发布机构:Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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